
Trading is inherently risky

Environmental Trading Edge LLC is not a securities broker-dealer or an investment advisor with either the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or with any state securities regulatory authority.

(1) The information and content presented by the Environmental Trading Edge LLC or displayed on its website(s) is for educational purposes only; (2) None of the information or content presented by the Environmental Trading Edge LLC or displayed on its website(s) constitutes an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security or investment vehicle;

(3) None of the information or content presented by the Environmental Trading Edge LLC or displayed on its website(s) constitutes securities brokerage, an investment recommendation, or legal, tax, accounting or investment advice;

(4) The information and content presented by the Environmental Trading Edge LLC or displayed on its website(s) is presented or displayed without regard for individual investment preferences or risk parameters and is general, non-tailored, non-specific information and content;

(5) All investments entail a certain degree of risk and financial instrument prices can fluctuate based on multiple factors, including factors not considered in the information and content presented by the Environmental Trading Edge LLC or displayed on its website(s);

(6) The opinions and conclusions contained in any third-party report are those of the individual expressing those opinions or conclusions only and not of the Company;

(7) The Environmental Trading Edge LLC is not responsible for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions of information or content;

(8) Consult a financial, legal, and/or tax professional before making any securities investment(s);

(9) You are responsible for conducting your own securities investment research and decisions; and

(10) You are solely responsible for any losses, financial or otherwise, as a result of your use of the information and content presented by the Environmental Trading Edge LLC or displayed on its website.